An online associate Pete_D asked me to tell him the truth about working online, and how to get success working online and mostly how to make money online, and can you really.
Whew...that is a tall order
He had read my article about Having a profitable webpage that sells
This is actually the email I sent to him.
I started off doing surveys! love them, then I realised I could make money telling people about it - getting sign ups! via
Another feeder Blog! I advertise anywhere I can for FREE! sending them here as a lot of classifieds don't allow affiliate links so you got to be clever.
Earn money the Affiliate Way
(Uk companies etc, I make a reasonable amount in a month from them - again it took time, (months to see anything!)
It is at the stage now I don't know where they clicked from? from a womans point of view the competitions surveys and yes Bingo go down well!
another feeder page Valued Opinions
* I built a Blog page that I then feed potential customers to the sign up page
Take a look round my main blog ( I have not updated for a while!! ) Better go do.
Earn Extra
This one documents just about everything I do online.
But I have linked everything I do together all over the place leading back to either to my blog or Squidoo pages,
Pete it is not easy, in fact up until I hit to 40 lens mark over @Squidoo did I start to piece it all together.
I thought I was going to be an internet millionaire (definately not there yet!)
However I have a lot of accounts all over the place, and I was looking to cash out and stop a lot, but because I have links all over I still get the commission off affiliate sale.
Through Squidoo I make a lot, I use amazon UK Affiliates (If you are not signed up for UK do so! )
I either use fluffs dual amazon module on SquidU (this means no matter if they view it in UK it shows £s or if viewing in US $'s (one in 5 clicks goes to Squid utls, ( you MUST have the same ID for both UK and US for it to work!
Keep squidoo happy and add in a few "sales" lens modules, (apparently this also helps with rank!) one of my biggest and best sellers, you will laugh at the simplicity Tea-light Candle holders
Decide what you want your blog to do , is it to tell people about something, are you going to send them there to find info and then prompt them to go to your sales page?
See how I am putting the emphasis on Squidoo not my Blog! Squidoo rates so highly in google, nail that and use it as a feeder to your blog!
The 2 work so well together.
Last month, I have made just over £250 in my Paypal, from Adsense, (Blog) Amazon, Affiiliate Future, Squidoo.
But Pete all I can say is for months I saw nothing or not a lot! Then all of a sudden it takes off, you realise what people look for online,
Use the Google webmaster tools, (you need nothing else, promote your work everywhere!) I also have wordpress and hub pages (not a lot of work there, but just update (feed into my work I want to direct people)
It does take some work, but having the belief you can, you will, you just need to nail your niche!
Get a bit of paper, wirte down ideas as you go! Take it seriously. What do you know about, what can you tell people?
or make a great "this is the top ten" online games etc
Pete I can talk for Scotland, if there is anything you still not sure of , please do not hesitate to ask! I am for everyone making money, and not getting fleeced! by the scams "Buy me" the only way you get rich is by others buying the crap!
If you want me to look over something just send me the link, its not often you get peoples help in this world!
Squidoo is a tough crowd! but once you get past their shell, they really are a fantasitc crowd, they want to help you succeed! But there is a magic about it!
How to have a profitable Web-Page